Tuesday, October 28, 2014

GIS4035 Lab 8: Thermal & Multispectral Analysis

For this weeks lab, we first created multispectral images by combining several layers into one image. This was done in both ArcMap and ERDAS. Then, we were to take one of the new images, identify a feature on it, and create a map showing that feature using the best band combination to make it stand out.

This was the map I made. I chose to identify the two bridges that crossed the river at both forks. I used a Red-3, Green-5, and Blue-6 band combination to make them stand out the best, being that the river had low temperature and low near-infrared, while the bridges had higher temperatures and low near-infrared.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lab 7: Multispectral Analysis

For this week's lab, we were to first get familiar with using image histograms and the inquire cursor to interpret image data and identify features on an image. From there, we were given pixel information about three different features on an image and had to find the features and change the band combinations to make said features stand out.

For the first one I used a combination that made the water stand out against the land features:

For the second one, I used a combination that make the snow contrast well with the vegetation:

And for the final one, I used a combination that again made the water stand out. Only this water had a much brighter pixel value than all of the other bodies of water in the image.