Monday, July 13, 2015

GIS 5100 Lab 8

For Part B of this lab, I prepared the data for my Hurricane Sandy Damage geodatabase. For this particular step, I needed to create attribute domains for the .gdb. To do this, I manually added the domains in the Geodatabase properties, by right-clicking it in the Catalog and then clicking the Domains tab. This was my result:

For this next part of the lab, I examined the location of the damaged areas in reference to the coastline. To do this, I first created a polyline for the coastline. Then, using the Spatial Join tool, I determined which buildings were within 100, 200, and 300 meters of the coastline. These were my results:

Damage Category            0-100m                 100-200m                            200-300m
No Damage                        0                              0                                              2
Affected                              0                              6                                              17
Minor Damage                  0                              14                                           5
Major Damage                  10                           21                                           2
Destroyed                           15                           5                                              1
Total                                      25                           46                                           27

Monday, July 6, 2015

GIS5100 Lab 7

This week's lab involved working with DEMs to analyze coastal flooding. To determine the following flood zones for Honolulu, I created two new rasters from the original DEMs using the Less Than tool for sea level rises of 3 and 6 feet. To determine the area, I multiplied the cell count by the cell size. To get the depth of the flood zones,  I used the Extract by Attributes tool followed by the Minus tool. This was my final result for Part A:

Monday, June 29, 2015

GIS 5100 Lab 6

This lab consisted of creating grid-based crime hotspot maps, as well as kernel density and local Moran's I maps. To create my final product, I started with doing a spatial join of the grids and the 2007 burglaries. To create the kernel density map, my parameters were set at cell size 100 and search radius ½ mile, and processing extent the same as the Grids shapefile, and after excluding all areas with a density of 0, found my mean density which was 35.16352718. Then I selected all areas with a density of 105.4905815 (three times the mean) using the Greater Than tool. For local Moran’s I, I did a spatial join for the block groups and 2007 burglaries, then created a field for the crime rate and determined that (#of burglaries / # of housing units * 1000). Ran the Cluster and Outlier Analysis and created a polygon for all of the high-high clusters.


Monday, June 22, 2015

GIS 5100 Lab 5

This is the map I created in Part C of the lab, deliverable 11. It compares the spatial accessibility for ACC campuses with and without the Cypress Creek campus. This part of the lab was fairly straightforward, but once it went beyond this it got pretty rough. This map is the result of two Service Area analyses using the Network Analyst extension.

Monday, June 15, 2015

GIS 5100 Lab 4

For this assignment, I placed the second camera on the street corner just north of the original camera, and I changed the offset value to 50, to get a slightly more level view. Then I set the viewing angle to 45 to 90 degrees, to compensate for the shift northward. For the third camera, I placed it on the northeast corner of the next block down, keeping the offset value at 100 since it was slightly farther from the finish line. I set the viewing angle at 180 to 270 degrees to capture the finish line and surrounding areas. Here is a display of my results:

Monday, June 8, 2015

Lab 3 GIS5100

For this assignment, we were to delineate streams and watersheds from a DEM. After working through all of the steps, i.e. filling the sinks, determining flow direction, determining flow accumulation, determining stream order, and determining watersheds from pour points, a comparison was made between these results and the current data for the watersheds and streams of the island.

My results for the stream comparison were a little different from the current data. Some of the streams that were delineated were shorter than the current streams, and some weren't even part of the stream system at all. For the watershed, my result was almost an 8 square kilometer difference. Below is my final product.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

GIS5100 Lab 1: Suitability Analysis

Below is the final product for the last part of this week's lab. To get to this, the suitability was based on land cover, soils, slopes, rivers, and roads. I used the Euclidean distance tool to get my suitability for the roads and rivers data, changed the soils vector data to raster, used to the Slope tool to determine the slope from the elevation DEM, and reclassified everything to 5 suitability ratings. Then I used the Weighted Overlay tool a couple times to get my final products. First, I used Set Equal Influence for all five criteria, then for the second map I manually changed the weight factors for an alternative result.