Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Location-Allocation Analysis

This week's lab was a location-allocation analysis. To carry this out, we were first supposed to run a location-allocation analysis in the Network Analyst extension using a given set of data for distribution centers as the Facilities and customers as the Demand Points. In these results, however there was a number of customers that fell into market areas that differed from the distribution centers. To correct this, we were to reassign the market areas.

To carry out this part of the analysis, I had to use data provided that joined the demand points and the market areas and join this data to the demand points from the Network Analysis to determine which customers were assigned to a different distribution center. From there, I had to use the Summary Statistics tool to count each combination of Facilities and Market Areas to determine the facility that had the most customers in each market area. Finally, I had to create a new feature class for the newly assigned market areas.

Below is an image of the feature class of the new market areas:

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